New Exclusive 3DXDoll: Hazel

Hey everyone! RedrobotX here with 3DXDolls. As some of you know earlier this year 3DXDolls held its first ever “Designawaifu” contest, where one lucky winner got their original character turned into a real life love doll! We had dozens of fantastic designs submitted to this first of a kind contest. While I would’ve loved to let everyone have their waifu brought to the real world, we had one talented artist stand out amongst the crowd. Zoh!
First week, first mover special $1565 until extended to Dec 31st only. Treat yourself to Hazel this Christmas! You've done well this year! Hazel is ready for you :D
First up congratulations again for winning the first “Design your Waifu” contest! How does it still feel now that it's been a few months? Are you excited that you can now add “Sex Doll Designer” to your resume?
Haha I hadn’t thought about that. It’s genius though, for more puritan job applications I’ll use “Novel Equipment for Physical Health”.
You could also say “Full size action figure designer”! Tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from? What made you get into 3D art? Etc
I guess without doxxing myself too much, I’m a “relatively” young Canadian male. I started art in May 2020, you can actually still find my first (garbage) works if you scroll all the way back on my Twitter or on Slushe. I had been a fan of 3d art for quite a while, and of course, been an avid porn consumer for decades. I’ve actually known of and been a fan of your [RedRobot’s] works for a while but at the start of Covid I just decided to try my hand at it. At worst I’d make a fool of myself and learn something, and at best I wouldn’t make a fool of myself and learn something. It just snowballed from there when I found that I loved it and others seemed to enjoy what I made.
Thank you very much for the shout out. I’m glad my career in 3DX is helping to inspire younger artists to get into the field and take it seriously as a part time or even full time job! Who are some of your inspirations in terms of your artistic style?
Sevenbees is my inspiration, my hero, and my end goal. From the very start I got a lot of inspiration from many great artists including ForceballFx or SixPlusOne. However, I’ll always credit Sevenbees as my primary motivation. His work has always floored me and I’ll be happy if I ever reach a fraction of his talent and creativity.
Where did the inspiration for Hazel come from?
Someone I knew once with the same name. She’s the source of inspiration for Hazel’s look and class. I’m sorry I can’t really get deeper than that :)
What were some hurdles you found yourself facing when you were working on her?
How to get a short-haired character to look elegant and classy. Usually stereotypical elegance or glamor is characterized by long flowing hair, but in this case I couldn’t just do that lol. I guess I still could. Maybe I should do some long-haired Hazel in the future.
Would you like to design more dolls in the future?
I would be happy to design more dolls if the opportunity arose!
What do you plan to do with your doll when she arrives? Build a social media empire around her? Cosplay? Modeling?
I definitely promised my fans an unboxing video and god knows they’ve been waiting a long time for it. As for after that I want to dress her up and have her just… look good. Eye candy if you will.
WM Doll releases dozens of new models a year. Did you look at their line up to see if your design stood up to their in house designers?
I’ve seen countless WM Dolls at this point and I wouldn’t presume to compare myself to them. I will say however, that I’ve never done this before and there were definitely some challenges that arose that I’ve learned from if I ever get a chance to do this in the future. Doll designers have to think about things that I would never have thought to think about such as how physical materials change shape (something I don’t have to worry about in my art), or how heavy the resulting doll will be depending on size.
What are some things that you would like to see in future doll designs? Like if you had more input in Hazel’s creation, what would be some areas you’d want to see improved?
The one thing I might want to revisit is how her tits are shaped. Since the doll’s physical material has weight to it, her tits sag more than my 3d model. This actually results in nicer bouncier, more natural looking tits, which, of course, has its own merits, but I had always envisioned Hazel as having firmer faker tits.
What does the future for Zoh look like into ‘23?
I don’t even know what I’m going to have for breakfast tomorrow. All I know is that I’ll keep creating! Big shoutout to my fans for making all this possible. Here’s to more sexy things to come!
Again we want to thank Zoh’s for his time, energy, and creativity in designing the first ever winner of “Design your Waifu” contest. If you have a great idea for a doll, keep honing your skills. You might just be our next winner!
You can check out the two different versions of Hazel we have in the store. One blonde and one raven haired. Neither way I’m sure whatever version you decide to pick up will live up to our highest expectations.