Sex Doll Care: Cleaning and Maintenance

One of the most frequent questions we get here at 3DXDolls and via our discord is how to properly maintain and clean your love doll. The answer to this question is a fairly easy one and I’ll go into depth about it here in this post. It's actually a very easy thing to do and with some proper care it can be very fun too!
First of all with all TPE and Silicone you are going to have to do monthly if not weekly care for your doll.
If you’ve read our page on the difference between TPE and Silicone, you would know that TPE is a very porous material and can absorb moisture and can be susceptible to humidity. (Buyers in warmer or tropical states should pay close attention). Now we know that you want your dolls wet and waiting for you, but keeping your doll warm and dry is going to go a long way in keeping both you and the doll healthy.
TPE when exposed to excess moisture can be a place for bacteria and mold to grow. If that happens your doll is basically worthless and there is no way to sanitize your doll without ruining it. Moisture can get in deeper than you think. It is not your friend.
The best way to prevent that from occurring is taking proactive steps to ensure the longevity of your doll companion.
Here are some ways to help care for your doll:
- Bath your doll in warm water and towel/air dry her. Do not use any electric hair dryers as they can damage the material of your doll. You can use any mild soap that you choose. For heavier stains you can use mineral or baby oil and gently rub the dirt away with your finger and pat dry. Remove any inserts that you may have when not in use. For her wigs you can use any soap and conditioner to keep it clean although only do this once and awhile to keep the hair from wearing out.
- If your doll has been stained for cheap clothing, lingerie ,etc, and won’t come out, you will have to use a TPE stain remover that we have available in our store.
- Apply powder regularly. You can use any over the counter baby powder if you want to use a fragrance you can. Powder your doll at least once a month to keep her skin feeling soft, more often if the doll is in heavy use.
- When having sex with your doll neither use the self lubricating vaginal insert we offer, or a water based lubricate. Those are completely safe to use with your doll.
- Moisture absorption sticks can be your friend. You can pick these up regularly and cheaply at Amazon or your local grocery store. Just inert the stick into your doll’s vaginal/anal cavity to let it absorb any excess moisture that may have been trapped inside. Amazon also has a sweet bundle where you can get sticks, a heating rod, and lube for a great price.
- If you want to get fancy, we have a cleaning kit available from WM Doll that will give your doll a super clean and efficient cleaning. You can find it here, WM Doll was nice enough to give us a demo video of their cleaning kit in action. Check it out below
Here are some things that we advise not to use on your doll:
- Bleach
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Dish Soap
- Boiling water
- Oil based lubricates
Cleaners like Xylene, paint thinners will melt and damage TPE material. Stay away from any strong cleaning solutions.
Another side note is that Silicone and TPE really don’t mix over a long period of time. It's best not to have your dolls touching if they’re not made out of the same material.
All listed above things can damage the material of your doll and best be avoided when cleaning.
Cleaning and maintaining your doll can be a lot of fun and provide some fun and entertainment together.
Once dolls are in we will be doing video demonstrations and tutorials on how to properly clean your doll for your use. See you then!